Ricardo De Levante

Ricardo Antonio De Levante Rodríguez

Lecturer, Researcher, and Patent Engineer

working towards Nuclear Fusion

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Ricardo in Dubai NSTX during the upgrade Ricardo in Capira


September 2022-Present

Graduate Researcher

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Researcher of high harmonic fast waves under Prof. Paul Bonoli and Dr. Seung-Gyou Baek. I model plasmas in the NSTX-U experimental fusion reactor by using finite element methods to discretize and solve for the temperature profile in a magnetically confined plasma; this model is then used to obtain other characteristics of the plasma, which are then compared to the available experimental data.

March 2023-May 2024

Teaching Assistant

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Teaching assistant and grader in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department. I have supported the graduate level courses Essential Numerical Methods and Applied Nuclear Physics.


Master's in Mathematics

January 2021 - July 2023
Technological University of Panama, Science & Technology, Panama, Panama


September 2021-April 2022

Renewable Energy Consultant

United Nations Development Program, Panama, Panama

Contractor for the UNDP working as part of a multidisciplinary team in renewable energies to develop the economic capacity of a rural community in extreme poverty.

  • Planned and designed a grid-isolated solar power plant.
  • Sourced personnel for specific tasks like architectural designs, graphic designs, cost studies, and surveys.
  • Met with representatives from entities including UNDP management, Panama Canal, and the Energy Department.
  • Developed and executed business plans to increase the community's economic capacity.
  • Developed workshops and other training regimes to increase the skills of the rural community in electricity.

March 2021-September 2021

Patent Engineer

Renaissance Fusion, Grenoble, France (Remote)

Full-time contract position as a patent engineer working remotely for Renaissance Fusion a tech startup developing novel technologies and methods for the fusion industry focusing on stellarators.

  • Researched prior art for potentially valuable intellectual property in the fusion industry.
  • Determined the patentability of novel ideas, including new methods and devices.
  • Consulted with the development team to identify new intellectual property.
  • Drafted patent specifications including drawings.
  • Worked with patent offices and attorneys.

March - December 2018 & August 2020 - August 2021


Technological University of Panama, Panama, Panama

College level lecturer for the Electrical Engineering Department.

  • Taught Dynamics for Electromechanical Systems to the level of Williams.
  • Structured and organized sessions including workshops, homework, exams, and review.
  • Evaluated students' performance through exams and provided feedback on their progress.
  • Collaborated on patent drafting training courses as an instructor, teaching on technology prospection and prior art search, and guiding teams on writing patent specifications.
  • Taught three five credit courses on Control Theory for digital and analog systems, including laboratory sessions, to the level of Ogata.
  • Developed laboratory guides for Rockwell Automation PLCs using RSLogix 5000. Also designed guides for NI's DAQs and on UDP communication. Guides include a MATLAB & Simulink component.
  • Worked on common control schemes like PID and ON-OFF.
  • Participated in faculty and university-wide meetings and councils to improve educational efforts.
  • Instructed on seminars and masterclasses on non-holonomic systems, underactuated systems, and dynamical modeling.
  • Received further training on technology prospection and commercialization from OAS' HUB on Technology Transfer and Commercialization for the Americas.

February 2016-February 2018

IP Consultant

Bank for the Development of Latin America (CAF), Panama, Panama

  • Instructed over 100 scientists and engineers, from the public and private sectors, during a series of intensive workshops on topics related to patent drafting, technology prospection, and technology search.
  • Developed methods for fast prior art search and intellectual property prospection.
  • Produced and corrected patent specifications that were submitted to PCT and national phases.
  • Traveled through Panama and Latin America to receive training in technology transfer from FICPI and to support CAF’s efforts to promote the development of technology-based intellectual property in the region by teaching and instructing on drafting.


Revista de I+D Tecnológico, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. (38-48), 2019.


This paper presents the development of a linear quadratic regulator for the navigational control of an underactuated and non- holonomic system: the unmanned hovercraft; a simplified model of the hovercraft derived from the general model for surface vehicles is used for this end. This model considers three degrees of freedom for the hovercraft; two of them are completely actuated. A coefficient representing the drag forces perceived by the vehicle is added in the direction of the unactuated degree. It is found while verifying the controllability of the hovercraft that the system is controllable as long as the angular velocity is not cero. Taking advantage that this model of the hovercraft is differentially flat with respect to an inertial reference frame a circular trajectory is designed as the reference for the controller. After assuming that the angular velocity of the hovercraft is constant, these properties are used to design a controller that uses a single actuator to follow the reference trajectory. This paper proposes a control law that uses a linear quadratic regulator to determine its gains. The regulator is tuned by trial and error, starting from Bryson’s Rule. This paper finishes with a series of simulations programmed on the software package MATLAB proving that, although the controller is not efficient, it follows the trajectory by means of a single actuation signal as expected.


Fulbright Scholarship


Awarded by the U.S. Fulbright Program for Foreign Students. Selected from among thousands to study a Master of Engineering in Engineering Physics at Cornell University (NY).

Russian Federation Scholarship


Awarded by the Russian Federation to study for a master's degree in physics and mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Turned down in favor of the Fulbright Scholarship.

CRP's Master Scholarship


Awarded by Panama's University Presidents Council to the graduating student with the best score in each university to study any master's program in a Panamanian university. Studied for a Specialization in Teaching for Higher Education.

Seed Capital Grant


Granted USD 25000 as seed capital for entrepreneurs by Panama's Secretariat for Development of Science and Technology (SENACYT) to develop novel smoke detectors and its associated business.

Panamanian Physics, Chemistry and Biology Olympiads


Nationwide high school competitions in physics, chemistry, and biology. Awarded a gold medal for physics in 2009 and 2010 for the highest score nationwide, as well as a sole gold medal in chemistry in 2009 for the highest results among all participants nationwide and a gold medal for biology in 2009.


June-August 2024

Data Analysis Intern

Damac, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Intern for Damac's data team, working with AI tools to improve on data insights provided to higher management.

  • Produced guides and workshop materials on Microsoft Copilot for PowerBI.
  • Compared the efficacy of different AI tools, including ChatGPT and Copilot, for analyzing business data and reports.
  • Developed Copilot template libraries for easily producing reports and data insights.



Editorial Meña (Meña Publishing), Panama, Panama

  • Started a publishing company dedicated to comics and art books. Hiring and acquiring associates to work as editors, marketing specialists, graphic designers, and video specialists.
  • Brought together 30 Panamanian artists to produce the first collection of comics made completely by Panamanians.
  • Sourced financing for the company through sponsorships and public art funds.
  • Organized conventions, art shows, contests, seminars, and workshops to develop art in Panama.



Enrique Chung Electronics, Panama, Panama

  • Formed part of a team that developed a novel smoke detector for domestic use.
  • Acquired a seed capital grant in the amount of USD 25,000 for prototype development.
  • Completed market research with industry professionals.
  • Received entrepreneurship training from incubators and accelerators.


Branch Chair

IEEE Student Branch at Technological University of Panama, Panama, Panama

Volunteer for the IEEE Student Branch

  • Elected by public vote to Branch Chair for the 2015 period.
  • Organized nation-wide student competitions on a variety of subjects, including chess, literature, electronics, and coding.
  • Restructured the Student Branch to achieve a stable workflow for volunteers, resulting in 30 volunteers that worked steadily for the Branch and five part-time workers.
  • Raised over USD 17,000 in 2015 from a variety of sources: workshops, seminars, and sales.
  • Received awards for excellence in administration and innovative projects: Darrel Chong Award in 2016 and Best Student Branch in the CONESCAPAN Region in 2015.


Studies towards a PhD degree

September 2022 - August 2024
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Cambridge, MA

Completed two years of PhD work, including all coursework and research. Research was completed as a Master's degree.


The Scampy Bird

The Scampy Bird

Simple game of avoiding rocks and surviving the longest. Click to play on



Limited Working Proficiency